Category Archives: Employee engagement and experience

Unlimited Leave: To Implement or Not Implement?

Being an employer branding agency, we analyze employee perceptions and propensities. And unlimited leave is a growing trend in the corporate world. The idea behind it is that employees should be able to take time off when they need it, without having to worry about accruing vacation days or using up their allotted time. As […]

Do this in interviews to grow your Employer Brand!

As the saying goes, the first impression counts! We know as an employer branding agency, interviews are one of the key touch points to make a good impression on potential candidates. Candidates who have positive experiences during the interview process are more likely to refer others to your company and more likely to accept a […]

Learning Culture: Your Gateway To A Strong Employer Brand


Years back at Stories of Asia (SOA), we were facing a big challenge – most of our people were inexperienced and lacked the skills we needed to get the job done. It was frustrating for the employees because they want to grow but felt limited. We knew we had to do something to overcome that. […]

Navigating through the world of HR Tech

At the recent HR TechTank event held in Singapore, I was honoured to be invited to deliver my keynote message to a room filled with HR professionals, HR tech providers as well as investors. During which, I shared my thoughts on ways to navigate through the hyped up and crowded world of HR Tech. 1) […]

People Mentality HR Tech Feature #10 – Selfdrvn

People Mentality Inc has been featuring a series of HR Tech partners to share more about their stories as well as how users can benefit from engaging them. And guess what, we have reached our 10th feature already! In this week’s issue of People Mentality HR Tech Feature, we are excited to have with us […]