Category Archives: Talent Acquisition

The rise of SOCIAL RECRUITMENT: Time to reinvent how you attract talents!

Is our traditional approach towards hiring still effective? You create a nicely written job posting, find a suitable job board, post your job and then…you wait and pray for the perfect candidate to apply to your company. That is the usual approach that talent acquisition specialist in organizations adopts for most of their roles on […]

The 4Cs For Building An Attractive Employer Brand

When working with my clients or engaging folks in the startup and SME space, one common question that they ask me is, “How can I better attract the right talent?” For the smaller outfits, it may seem like a daunting task. Lack of resources, little known in the market, unstructured in the way they run […]

Love your coffee? Maybe you should love your recruitment agencies too

One key realization that I had since I left the corporate world and started my employer branding agency was the importance of partnerships; Very often in the corporate setting, we tend to work a little more in silo to “defend our turfs” or have a “you vs. me” mindset. The result? We observe conflicts due […]

Creating the candidate experience to win the talent war

As an employer branding agency, we can see that in today’s highly competitive job market for top talents, candidate experience is one area that could potentially be a key differentiator to help organizations secure the desired piece to enable greater success in the longer term. But, what does it really mean by creating a positive […]

People Mentality HR Tech Feature Issue #5 – StaffonDemand

People Mentality Inc., an employer branding agency, will be featuring a series of HR Tech partners to share more about their background stories as well as how users can benefit from engaging them. No tool is perfect, but every one of them is unique in their own way which is where the value lies for […]

Winning the employee experience war with thorough onboarding

In the last issue, I shared on the importance of onboarding your talent from Day 0 before he joins the organization. In this latest piece, I’ll focus more on some employer branding agency tips that you could potentially do to differentiate your onboarding programme from the regular ones when the new hire joins on his […]

Delivering Business Value Through HR

I was recently invited by my mentor, Eddie Lee, to attend a WSG “Adapt and Grow” session where he shared and tickled the minds of SME HR professionals on how to be more PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE when dealing with the business side of things. It was a pretty interesting session to me being in […]