Category Archives: HR Tech Features

Navigating through the world of HR Tech

At the recent HR TechTank event held in Singapore, I was honoured to be invited to deliver my keynote message to a room filled with HR professionals, HR tech providers as well as investors. During which, I shared my thoughts on ways to navigate through the hyped up and crowded world of HR Tech. 1) […]

People Mentality HR Tech Feature #10 – Selfdrvn

People Mentality Inc has been featuring a series of HR Tech partners to share more about their stories as well as how users can benefit from engaging them. And guess what, we have reached our 10th feature already! In this week’s issue of People Mentality HR Tech Feature, we are excited to have with us […]

People Mentality HR Tech Feature Issue #5 – StaffonDemand

People Mentality Inc., an employer branding agency, will be featuring a series of HR Tech partners to share more about their background stories as well as how users can benefit from engaging them. No tool is perfect, but every one of them is unique in their own way which is where the value lies for […]

People Mentality HR Tech Feature Issue #4 – EngageRocket

Our employer branding agency, People Mentality Inc., will be featuring a series of HR Tech partners to share more about their background stories as well as how users can benefit from engaging them. No tool is perfect, but every one of them is unique in their own way which is where the value lies for […]