Monthly Archives: September 2022

This is a MUST-HAVE role if you want to grow your Employer Brand!


Organizations are complex systems; it takes many different roles to keep them running smoothly. As an employer branding agency, there is one specific role that we advocate for growing your employer brand and culture, and that is to have more COACHES! Coaches can be your leaders or people who are able to provide guidance to […]

Learning Culture: Your Gateway To A Strong Employer Brand


Years back at Stories of Asia (SOA), we were facing a big challenge – most of our people were inexperienced and lacked the skills we needed to get the job done. It was frustrating for the employees because they want to grow but felt limited. We knew we had to do something to overcome that. […]

Personal Branding is not important if these factors are not taken care of…

Personal branding

If we think about it, a company’s employer is a group of added personal brands. If you want your employer brand to be strong, you need to consider the individuals you have within the organization, That said, while creating a personal brand can be a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd […]