Category Archives: Branding

Do this in interviews to grow your Employer Brand!

As the saying goes, the first impression counts! We know as an employer branding agency, interviews are one of the key touch points to make a good impression on potential candidates. Candidates who have positive experiences during the interview process are more likely to refer others to your company and more likely to accept a […]

This is a MUST-HAVE role if you want to grow your Employer Brand!


Organizations are complex systems; it takes many different roles to keep them running smoothly. As an employer branding agency, there is one specific role that we advocate for growing your employer brand and culture, and that is to have more COACHES! Coaches can be your leaders or people who are able to provide guidance to […]

Learning Culture: Your Gateway To A Strong Employer Brand


Years back at Stories of Asia (SOA), we were facing a big challenge – most of our people were inexperienced and lacked the skills we needed to get the job done. It was frustrating for the employees because they want to grow but felt limited. We knew we had to do something to overcome that. […]

Personal Branding is not important if these factors are not taken care of…

Personal branding

If we think about it, a company’s employer is a group of added personal brands. If you want your employer brand to be strong, you need to consider the individuals you have within the organization, That said, while creating a personal brand can be a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd […]

Your Employer Brand Is Nothing Without This!


Employer branding is all about messaging! It’s how you communicate to potential and current employees what your company is all about, what makes it a great place to work, and why they should consider working there. That said, here are a few tips from our employer branding agency to keep in mind when crafting your […]

Planning To Audit Your Employer Brand? Here’s What You Need To Do First.

Most people will probably jump straight into social media and marketing activities thinking that this is what they need to build a strong employer brand. Wrong! Before you go into how you can utilize the various channels to grow your employer brand, what most people fail to do is to first begin with an EMPLOYER […]

3 Things Leaders Need To Do To Grow The Employer Branding

Employer branding is an HR department’s job!  Or so they say. Who’s truly in charge of the employer brand then? Well, if we want to be factual about it? Everyone! And every employer branding agency will tell you that one key group of people who can impact the Employer Brand big time is actually your […]

3 social media mistakes you need to avoid

On my career journey thus far, social media, in particular, LinkedIn, has been an integral part of the success that I’ve achieved to date. There were hits and misses for sure but what’s important is to build on the success and learn from your mistakes, isn’t it? Through some of the hard knocks, I’ve learned […]

The rise of SOCIAL RECRUITMENT: Time to reinvent how you attract talents!

Is our traditional approach towards hiring still effective? You create a nicely written job posting, find a suitable job board, post your job and then…you wait and pray for the perfect candidate to apply to your company. That is the usual approach that talent acquisition specialist in organizations adopts for most of their roles on […]

The 4Cs For Building An Attractive Employer Brand

When working with my clients or engaging folks in the startup and SME space, one common question that they ask me is, “How can I better attract the right talent?” For the smaller outfits, it may seem like a daunting task. Lack of resources, little known in the market, unstructured in the way they run […]